Apostles Lawrence E. and Dr. Sandra Powell
Soul Care Full Gospel Center was planted in Aurora, Colorado in August of 1997 by Dr. Sandra Sullivan Powell.
In the year 2000, Apostles Lawrence E. & Dr. Sandra Powell became co-pastors of Soul Care. Under their leadership, in October of 2003, the church purchased its present property in Commerce City, Colorado. Soul Care is a family outreach and anointed deliverance ministry with the vision of glorifying God by making disciples for Jesus Christ and bringing deliverance to those in bondage who will believe in His Name. The specific mission of Soul Care is to Exalt Jesus Christ the Savior, Encourage the Saints to presevere in Kingdom concerns, Edify & Equip believers in the service of the King & His Kingdom, and to Evangelize the surrounding community, as well as those we encounter worldwide!
Apostles Lawrence E. and Dr. Sandra Powell co-host “The Christian Leadership Pow Wow”---an esteemed award winning international conference ministry noted for networking and training Christian leaders to effectively meet the end time harvest. This is the 28th year for this great conference! They are also Chancellors and instructors in the Soul Care Bible Institute and Academy of Ministry located at the church’s Commerce City campus. They provide Apostolic Covering for ministries in Colorado and in several other cities. They mentor several individual ministry gifts, as well. Apostles Lawrence E. & Dr. Sandra were consecrated as Apostles by Old Camp Ground Ministries International of Chicago, IL in 2004.
Apostle Lawrence E. Powell is a highly anointed mentor, preacher, teacher, and conference speaker called upon around the country to minister to the body of Christ. His great passion is to bring men into their rightful place in God’s master plan for their lives in relation to His Kingdom. He is a son of Shorter A.M.E. Church in Denver, CO and was ordained in ministry under the anointed leadership of Dr. J. Langston Boyd. He was ordained to the pastorate under Bishop James Easley of Wayfare Rest Church of Oregon. Apostle Powell studied ministry at the Colorado Baptist Seminary, Metropolitan State College, and Liberty University. He was founder and Pastor of Genesis Chapel Church in the Denver Metro area for 10 years. Upon uniting with Dr. Sandra Sullivan Powell and the Soul Care Ministry family in year 2000, they have continued leadership as dynamic pastors and spirit-filled preachers of the gospel, as well as loving Christian examples to the valiant men, women, and young people of this age!
Dr. Sandra Powell is a highly respected mentor who is constantly called upon throughout the country as an anointed preacher, teacher, and conference speaker, and is revered as a great prophetic voice to the body of Christ in this age! She is a graduate of the University of Colorado, in Boulder, with a Bachelor of Arts in the field of Education. She is also a certified director for Adult and Continuing Education. Apostle Sandra Powell holds a Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University's School of Theology and Missions in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and she now holds a Doctor of Ministry Degree. Prior to pastoring, she was an Instructor and Educational Director for OIC’s of America and the Urban League of Greater New Orleans. Dr. Powell was also a professional gospel singer and recording artist with several noted gospel singers & musicians. She served as the assistant pastor to the extremely gifted Dr. Cordell Jenkins at Evangelistic Prayer Center in South Central Los Angeles for ten years. She is also the first African American female to publicly be consecrated as an Apostle in this region.
Apostle Lawrence E. & Dr. Sandra Powell are the authors of numerous Christian Training Manuals. Their Ministry Catechism Training Manual for Licensing and Ordination is one of their most requested publications. They are also ardently compiling sermonic manuals of “Messages to Inspire Spiritual Excellence” from their extensive catalog of gospel preachings & teachings. They write inspirational and teaching Commentaries for their Church Bulletin, and they also are featured contributors to the Body of Christ monthly Gospel Newspaper. The Apostles send out a daily inspirational & teaching devotional Monday through Friday to a mailing list of over 400. Apostle Lawrence has recently completed a very useful Commentary on the book of Revelation.
Apostles Lawrence & Dr. Sandra have six beautiful children: Sean, Lavies, Sefra, Stephan, Wil, and Patrice. They are the grandparents of 12 and the greatgrands of 2.
The Apostles have an expansive CD & Publication Ministry, with selections & Manuals available upon request.